Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Drying Oregano

I didn't get out to my garden yesterday so today was a particularly big day! It is as if the squash and zucchini knew their days were numbered if they didn't stop rotting!

I had an ingenious idea to start drying my oregano since it has really been going gangbusters. After executing my great idea I went online to find out how I was really supposed to be doing it and found I am doing it all wrong. For fun though, I am going to try it this way and put it is a cool dry place and see what happens. Stay tuned...


  1. Shannon, neat idea! I wonder if you could also wire bunches onto a wire wreath form to make a dried wreath to use in your kitchen and snip when desired. I tried making an herb wreath like this by winding them around and it was really thin and ugly. If I do it again I am going to make tidy little bunches and band them with rubber bands, let them partially dry (I think if they were all the way dry they would just crumble as you wired them on) and then put them onto the wreath form. Have I confused you?

  2. That's a good idea but it would probably be a pretty tiny wreath. They need to dry in a cool dry place so you would have to make the wreath, dry it, then bring it out.

  3. I think you could dry small bundles and then wire the almost dry bundles to the wire frame. I've done that sweet annie before and it worked great!

  4. Wow, I pulled this up to check out what's going on and the vivid pictures were great! What beautiful squashes and cherry tomatoes! I love the oregano idea!
