Monday, May 11, 2009

Everyone Weathered the Storm

My first Red Grape Tomatoes
Aren't they so fuzzy and cute?

My first French Filet Green Beans
I just read the description again when I was adding the link and it said 3-4 per pot. Was I supposed to separate them before planting? Advice please!

My first Mini Red Bell
The first bud didn't make it too much rain I think. You can see it in the background

I'm so excited! Everything is really taking off. Most everything has buds or flowers. We had rain here in Virginia for 2 weeks straight. I was afraid everything would have gotten water logged but they seem to really like it. I'm glad I didn't plant my herbs yet though, I think they would have not enjoyed the rain as much. This weekend hopefully I'll have a chance to get them in. I also think it may be time to do a little compost collar around the plants to give them a little snack. I'm wondering when I should start worrying about bugs and slugs... I haven't seen any yet.

1 comment:

  1. Cindy,

    Would love to hear the answer on separating the beans - I did the same thing that Shannon did planting them as a bunch.

    Diane in Atlanta
